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Kokoda Challenge to Beat Blood Cancer 2019

Kokoda Track, Papua New Guinea
Fundraising Challenge 96km

Join the Leukaemia Foundation as we trek the iconic Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea! One of the world’s greatest treks, the Kokoda Track links the south and north coast of Papua New Guinea across 96 kilometers of rugged mountain terrain, tropical rainforest and unspoiled villages. Over 9 days, you will trek the track by day, open to the harsh and inspiring beauty of Papua New Guinea’s tropical rainforest. To top it off, with every step you take you will support the Leukaemia Foundation’s important work.


Join the Leukaemia Foundation as we trek the iconic Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea! One of the world’s greatest treks, the Kokoda Track links the south and north coast of Papua New Guinea across 96 kilometers of rugged mountain terrain, tropical rainforest and unspoiled villages. Over 9 days, you will trek the track by day, open to the harsh and inspiring beauty of Papua New Guinea’s tropical rainforest. To top it off, with every step you take you will support the Leukaemia Foundation’s important work.