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Magnetic Island Triathlon 2019

Tri, Kids & Family Tri
Magnetic Island QLD
Prices to be Confirmed. Refer to Website. Sprint, Enticer and Aquathon

The Magnetic Island Triathlon offers sprint, enticer and aquathon distances and the chance to compete in the world famous Great Barrier Reef. Spectacular rocky headlands and beautiful bays with fringing coral reef provide an awesome location for a Triathlon! Swim through the turquoise waters for the event's competitive 750 metre swim in Picnic Bay, a 20km cycle around the Northern part of the Island, finished with a 5km run along the beautiful foreshore giving you a breathtaking view of parts of the Island.


The Magnetic Island Triathlon offers sprint, enticer and aquathon distances and the chance to compete in the world famous Great Barrier Reef. Spectacular rocky headlands and beautiful bays with fringing coral reef provide an awesome location for a Triathlon! Swim through the turquoise waters for the event's competitive 750 metre swim in Picnic Bay, a 20km cycle around the Northern part of the Island, finished with a 5km run along the beautiful foreshore giving you a breathtaking view of parts of the Island.