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Buffalo Stampede

Run, Marathon, Kids & Family Run, Trail Run, Ultra distance Run
Mt Buffalo, Bright VIC
100km, 42km, 20km, 10km, 5km and 2km. 

The Buffalo Stampede SkyMarathon will take place from the 22nd- 24th of March 2024.

The Buffalo Stampede SkyMarathon courses take runners through a gruelling but picturesque journey up Mt Buffalo in Victoria’s Alpine country. The Buffalo Stampede Grand Slam challenges runners to complete the 10k, 42km and 100km or the 10km, 20km and 42km over the Buffalo Stampede weekend. 




The Buffalo Stampede SkyMarathon will take place from the 22nd- 24th of March 2024.

The Buffalo Stampede SkyMarathon courses take runners through a gruelling but picturesque journey up Mt Buffalo in Victoria’s Alpine country. The Buffalo Stampede Grand Slam challenges runners to complete the 10k, 42km and 100km or the 10km, 20km and 42km over the Buffalo Stampede weekend.